Father Diego Alejandro Jimenez Olaya, born on Feb. 18, 1983 in Antioquia, Colombia. Father Diego and his sister, Paula, were reared in the faith by their parents Luis Eduardo Jimenez and Maria Auxilio Olaya. He also served as an altar server in his parish from age 10 to 18. At age 15 and while in high school, he entered into a special sem
Father Diego Alejandro Jimenez Olaya, born on Feb. 18, 1983 in Antioquia, Colombia. Father Diego and his sister, Paula, were reared in the faith by their parents Luis Eduardo Jimenez and Maria Auxilio Olaya. He also served as an altar server in his parish from age 10 to 18. At age 15 and while in high school, he entered into a special seminary formation program, studying philosophy, attending conferences and participating in community prayer. Father Diego attended seminary at the Diocese of Caldas and studies Philosophy and Theology at the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana in Medellin, Colombia. For one year, he worked in an Indian mission in the mountains of Colombia. He also taught religious education at the high school level. He studied American History at St. Joseph Seminary in Yonkers, NY and Theology at University Santo Tomas, Spain as well as Holy Apostles Seminary. During his seminary years in the United States , he served at St. Louis Parish in West Haven, the Cathedral of St. Joseph, and St. Augustine Parish in Hartford. Father Diego was assigned as parochial vicar at St. Augustine, St. Anne and St Lawrence O'Toole in Hartford for four years. He was Parish Administrator of Sacred Heart and St. Margaret Parishes from 2015-2017. Father Diego has been the Pastor of All Saints-Todos los Santos Parish since 2017.
Father Andrés Felipe Galeano was born in Cali, Colombia. He and his family moved to Connecticut when he was seven years old. He grew up in Manchester, with his home parish of North American Martyrs in East Hartford. He was very active in his parish, particularly in Social Justice Ministry. He completely refurbished the Saint Rose Church
Father Andrés Felipe Galeano was born in Cali, Colombia. He and his family moved to Connecticut when he was seven years old. He grew up in Manchester, with his home parish of North American Martyrs in East Hartford. He was very active in his parish, particularly in Social Justice Ministry. He completely refurbished the Saint Rose Church basement for his Eagle Scout project. A hard worker, Father Andrés worked two jobs while attending Manchester Community College. Father Andrés was inspired by his parish's priests. He answered God's call and entered formation. Father Andrés attended Saint Charles Borromeo in Wynnewood for Minor Seminary, and Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit. Bilingual and bicultural, he is eager to begin his priestly ministry at All Saints-Todos los Santos Parish